Thursday, December 4, 2008

snow globe

(Danielle and I being goofy at Buffalo Wild those honey bbq cheap wing nights)

It is freezing here!  On the way to church we saw one of those signs at a bank that said it was 13 degrees!  It's still snowing pretty hard.  We saw Dr. Tackett at church this last morning that we will attend village 7.  Well, it was my last sunday there but at least Danielle will get to stay because she is moving here!  We went and saw her cute little townhouse that she and Ashlie and Amanda are going to live in for the next year.  It is so perfect.  God has totally blessed them in finding their cute place for them.
(roommate pic during our 'spirit week': Roommate Matching Day)

(pic on an axis trip.  these are my beautiful friends Brenda and Waverly)

I have no homework to do, so I finally get to update this thing:)  We are cleaning our apartment all day today so that we are ready for check out in the morning!  So crazy...I can't believe that we are already done with the semester!  

(here is a pic of my quest team.  We did group projects together and random activities all throughout the semester.  I think we were the one quest team that bonded the most.  We even did extra fun get togethers and game nights!  I LOVE quest team 8!!)
ok, so graduation is quickly approaching.  My parents are coming Monday and we will be flying out Wed afternoon to the good ol' central valley where there is no snow.  Then I will have the longest last semester of my life probably...although I am looking forward to an easier work load.  What am I doing with my life after that you say??  Well...there are a couple options.  I will be getting a job.  Hopefully substitute teaching...I know right???  Who would have thunk that I would be in school for the rest of my life?  I really would love to teach Bible.  Whether that is to a home school class or at a Christian school, it doesn't matter that much.  I just want to teach people how to study the Word.  I may be going to seminary if I the Lord calls me to teach at the college level.  We will see!!  It's such an adventure being a child of God:)  
(here is a pic of the beautiful girls in my small group.  Callie, Andrea, and Rachel.  We were in a hospitality group with two of the secretaries from the Focus Institute.  They were WONDERFUL a we had an entire Saturday of baking Christmas goodies!:)
Friday we had a time of sharing with our group about what the Lord has taught us all.  The biggest thing I learned this semester is how to serve God in the ways that He has gifted me.  Since the Lord took soccer away from me, I have been learning what other gift
s the Lord has given me.  It has been such a hard journey because I had placed my entire identity in soccer.  This semester I took way more personality tests than I've ever wanted to take in my lifetime!  My favorite was a strengths finder test that helped identify your top strengths in order to help your weaknesses.  I loved it because most personality tests can be really self centered...but this one helped you understand your weaknesses and helped you appreciate other people's gifts that I did not possess.  We talked about our strengths in class and then our professor had us work and identify how we worked in groups throughout the semester.  I learned that it was a good thing that I am competitive (which has had such a negative connotation to it).:)  I've learned that one of my strengths is communication which has helped confirm that the Lord has gifted me to teach in some sort of capacity.
It has been a freeing semester to understand how God has created me in order to make His name known.  It is really exciting!  I am sad to leave this community where we have eaten, slept, learned, studied, laughed, cried, played, and experienced life together with, but it makes me desire to go back home and find my own community and live the way Jesus desires us to.  I'm excited to go home and be in the world, (and by God's grace) showing Christ to everyone I come into contact with.  
(Fun in Fresno with some CBU friends: Ethan, Rissa, and Bryce)
The Lord has been so faithful and he continues to be my solid rock on which I stand.  He has never failed me and never would.  This semester He has blessed me in so many different ways, when I'm not even expecting it.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the blessings He has brought into my life.
(Bryce and I hiking with friends)
He is so good!

1 comment:

Bryce said...

I am so glad that you had such a wonderful semester and were able to learn so much. I'm glad you are coming back to california though. :) See you in a few days!!!